Monday, October 14, 2019

Synthesis Blog #5- What should differentiation look like in my classroom?

This week's synthesis blog proposes the idea of a differentiated classroom. The term "differentiated" is a term we are seeing a lot in today's educational system. Students are getting bored and disinterested in the basic teacher instruction. So, how do we allow our kids to be more involved and have a willingness to learn?

I found an article, related to the math classroom, that discusses some "tips" to help us as future teachers to create a differentiated classroom.

Tips for a differentiated math class!

From this article, there was one tip that stood out to me- "Offer choice (as often as possible)". This idea can be hard for us, or maybe it's just me, because I know I like to be in control; however, studies show that giving students a choice "a minimum of 35% of the time in class will increase their intrinsic motivation to learn." (Smith, 2016). Now, by choice I do not mean a students has the choice to do an assignment or not, but rather giving the students a choice to work on the assignment individually or collectively as a group. There are many students that feel pressured completing a task on their own. Allowing the students to have a choice will help those students that do not perform well on their own and can help increase their social skills.

A differentiated classroom does not have to be a hard task for teachers to implement, rather something that we have to be subconsciously aware about when making our lesson plans.

Word Count: 254

1 comment:

  1. Hey Alena!
    I think it is so great that you went out and tried to find a resource that went along with what we read in Subject Matters. I clicked on the link and skimmed it and there was some great information in it about differentiating the classroom especially since as teachers that is something that we should constantly want to do, so we are reaching all of our students. I also totally agree with you when you say this is not supposed to be a hard task. Teachers should want to keep their classroom changing constantly because their students are constantly changing and as teachers, we are there for the students. Couldn't agree with you more!!

    Word Count: 117
