Monday, September 9, 2019

Resource Blog #2- Teaching Math Without Words

For this week's resource blog, I wanted to find a tool to help my future students that are more visual learners. While writing down numbers on a whiteboard is an effective approach sometimes while teaching math, there are many students that have learning disabilities, such as dyslexia, who struggle with words and will not understand the lesson completely. We, as teachers, need to teach to all our students, not just a handful of them.

In this Ted Talk I came across, Matthew Peterson explains how interactive math games that provide visual feedback demonstrate amazing results among students of all learning types. Through these games, Peterson describes how students can touch, feel, and see how certain mathematical problems work. More often than not, students do not completely understand a math concept; they do, however, know how to solve the problem and memorize it from then on. With these interactive games provided by, ST Math software, it clears up misconceptions about certain concepts and allows for students to truly understand the concept at hand.

This video provides math teachers yet another tool to use in the classroom that is geared toward his or her students in the classroom that have a learning disability. And who knows, they might even have fun while doing it :)!

Word Count: 212

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